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When you think about the ideal world we'd be living in - what's the first thing that comes to mind?

More women leadership. More empathy, closing the gender gap, putting heteronormativity to bed, leading with emotional intelligence. That’s everything the world is missing at the moment.

To come back to that ideal, which role does imazi.reine play in achieving that world?

I’d love to believe that, by making our own voices heard, we’re playing a part in liberating other women’s voices. I don’t know about my own level of empathy, that’s for someone else to say. But the spaces we’ve created until now have been attracting kind, caring and humble people. If it is true that we attract people and events that resonate with the energy that we are radiating, we must be radiating damn good energy. I’m humbled by our community and their kind-heartedness every day.

Activism isn't something you just turn on and off and since your work at imazi.reine focuses on issues within the community/society - how do you maintain peace of mind and sanity?

I’m still working on that one hahaha! But I love my life, Alhamdulilah. I’m surrounded by the most loving people and I am easily distracted by positivity. My personality simply doesn’t make it possible to dwell on what isn’t working and I think that helps a lot. I also try to focus equally on problems as on victories. If I share bad news, I’ll automatically share something that makes me more hopeful, without even realizing it. That sense of balance is what keeps me going.

Something you believed in as a child and lowkey still believe in now (don't worry we'll keep it a secret)?

Okay, I’m going to sound like a creep, but imaginary friends!I'm not talking about actual people being present (to my muzies: no jinn-shit). But I truly believe that when I’m alone, it helps to express my feelings out loud. And I feel the energy shifting when I do. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to put this out there, but yeah, I talk to myself a lot.

