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I’ve seen that you also paint. Do you draw your inspiration from the same place as your poems?

I always get so shy when people ask me about my paintings omg omg. I really think I suck at it and I am trying to get better by just painting regularly. But no, the things I paint have nothing to do with my poems for now. I am considering matching some paintings to poems I have but before I do that I want to get a little better at painting.

How would you describe your fav dish to someone who’s never had it before?

“Very seasoned, crispy and worth the extra weight you’ll gain!! Try it and thank me later!”

How does Sesa like to unwind?

By isolating myself, turning off my phone, prayer and not writing. It used to be by writing but writing has become a moment of confrontation, it no longer brings me peace. I don’t mean it in a bad way though. It’s just that writing fuels me more and to unwind I got to run out of this fuel.

Why do you write poetry? What role does it play in your life?

I write poetry because it’s the perfect way for me to “say” the things I don’t know how to say out loud or the things I didn’t know were in me that need to be said. Writing also helps me to confront the things I run away from. I have no other choice than to be honest when I write so it’s a great reality check.

What kind of impact do you hope your books will have on someone’s life?

To inspire. I think that’s the greatest thing you can do to someone. To sparkle something within them that gives them the courage to do whatever it is they want to do. I think inspiring people is freaking powerful so if my work can do that my mission is accomplished.

