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You play 2 very unique instruments unlike the classics. What is it that attracted you to these instruments?

The clarinet attracted me because of its soft sound. I can really connect with this instrument and express myself so well and It relaxes me to play it. It feels very natural to me to play the clarinet.  
The soprano saxophone has an amazing sound and you can play very high notes on it. I used to listen to jazz musicians that played the soprano saxophone and always loved the sound and the range. It inspired me to start playing it. 

What is your oldest music memory? 

My oldest music memory is a story that my mother told me many times. When I was a kid we went to Covent Garden in London where there was a singer performing. Her voice was amazing and so beautiful - I was listening with close attention and amazement. My mom told me I was sitting down and listening with my mouth open of amazement, that's how much it impressed me.

What’s a song you would like to learn to play?

The song I would like to learn to play at the moment is Nights over Egypt by the Jones girls. This song is so beautiful and I can’t count the times I have listened to it. I love the melody so much. When I listen to this song I see myself in Egypt sitting by the pyramids and it brings me such a magical feeling.  

If you could listen to one song the rest of your life what would it be?

One song I could listen to forever is Audotorium by Mos Def and Slick Rick. The lyrics are so touching and the music and lyrics go so well together. I can’t get enough of this song! I know the lyrics by heart and love to jam to this track. 

What melody/ song would you play to describe the feeling you have when you eat your favourite dish?

I would play the trumpet melody in the song Luchini Aka this is it by Camp Lo. It makes me happy right away as my favourite dish does.  
