
What has driven you to start a career as a stylist?

I’ve always been passionate about music and watched a lot of music videos when younger. I was intrigued by the creativity of the looks in old rnb/hip hop videos and did my research about the people working behind the scenes. That’s when I discovered this job and thought that it would be so nice to work in such a dynamic, inspiring and cool environment.

Also, the job matched my personality. I love people, I love helping and meaning something in my environment. My friends and family also pushed me to pursue this career because they saw this talent in me even before I realized that I was great at it myself.What has gotten me to actually stay working as a stylist is the heart and the connections that are made.

My job teaches me something every day. I have to stay inspired to tell the best stories through outfits. It’s deeper than fashion and that’s what I love. I love working in such a superficial environment, while being the total opposite as a person. It keeps me grounded.


Do you have tips for people who want to become a stylist but don’t know how to start?

Know what YOU want and who YOU are. There are so many different types of stylists in the world, it can be quite overwhelming and easy to fall in the trap of wanting to follow the same steps as everyone. Once you figure that out, dare, ask and challenge yourself. All you need in the beginning is to practice, so style as many people as you can to understand how to style different people and body types. Educate yourself at school or on the internet to understand the basics of fashion and styling, and then look out for the opportunities, don’t wait for them! Be patient with yourself and don’t compare yourself. It takes time, but you’ll get there.

Know what YOU want and who YOU are. There are so many different types of stylists in the world, it can be quite overwhelming and easy to fall in the trap of wanting to follow the same steps as everyone.

What are some challenges you faced in this industry, which is predominantly white-dominated still, here in Belgium?

I think that the fashion industry in Belgium is quite ‘closed’ to new talent. It’s hard to get opportunities with bigger names because everyone always works with the same people. Also I feel like fresh talent and innovation are not really important. It’s all about the years of experience and the contacts you have.

You’re a super driven person, are there any other goals/skills you would like to explore/achieve in the near and far future?

I want to give my spirit and body the best by being a good time manager. To make my health and spirituality a priority no matter the season I’m in. I get overwhelmed a lot and tend to neglect my good habits when I got a lot of work. Career wise, I’m currently working on growing my little baby, my agency, The Styling Office.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your life?

‘Love is enough’ by my mom.Which I’ve experienced not so long ago. Sometimes we try to help ourselves and others by doing so many unnecessary things, when love is sometimes the only answer. To love yourself more, to love others more. Loving yourself more is sometimes the only thing that’s missing to make that thing happen. And sometimes loving someone a little harder is the best thing you can do to help them.


