
Sisterhood is an essential part of your life - what does it mean to you personally?

Sisterhood means solidarity, understanding and having shared experiences. I’m the only girl out of my siblings and the eldest, so sisterhood is something I’ve always craved. Through my creative work and friends I’ve found that.

What’s your earliest henna memory?

My earliest henna memory is my grandma's orange hair. When I was little my nanimai (maternal grandmother) used to dye her long silver hair with henna on her balcony back home. We would pick fresh henna from the rooftop and I’d sit in the kitchen and watch as they pound the leaves into paste. I love the rich smell of it that always reminds me of home and being warm.

Tell us about one Bengali dish you love so much & can make with your eyes closed at this point?

Kichuri is one of my favourite Bengali foods. It’s basically rice and dhal in one warm wholesome dish, kind of like risotto. It reminds me of being little and is a staple food during Ramadan. I eat it with cheddar cheese slices that melt into the rice.

The year is 2021, Covid has left the chat - we can all move freely again. What's the first holiday experience you're throwing yourself into?

I absolutely love Italy. There’s something about the slow-moving-family-and-food-orientated lifestyle that I am completely in love with. I’d love to be sitting on a balcony somewhere reading a book, enjoying the scent of grilled fish whilst soaking up the sun. SOMEBODY FLY ME OUT ASAP!!!

What’s one piece of solid advice you would have for daughters of immigrants who want to make moves?

I think there’s always an element of sacrifice when you grow up in an immigrant household, especially as a girl. My advice would be to pick your battles and be diplomatic. Always be kind, to others and yourself, remember that nobody will ever understand your struggles completely. It’s important to always keep your intentions in check and act with integrity in all that you do. If you feel uncertain or stressed by something, hold onto it for 24 hours and follow your gut. Allah got your back bbgirl.

We’re usually imagining and attempting to build a healthier environment for our communities. What’s your interpretation of a thriving community?

A thriving community should always be built on mutual understanding, freedom from judgment and sharing of opportunities and love. Community is something that is central to Islam and you should always remember to use whatever influence or platform you have, however big or small, to uplift others and support those who support you.


