“Another Dimension”

Have you ever wondered what the world of an artist looks like? Not just their physical world, but the wondrous, slightly mysterious one that lives inside their heads - the one where most of their creativity stems from. Baya Collective selected six upcoming artists who’ll be sharing a glimpse of their universe with all of us.

“I’m so fascinated by the process I go through with every single one of my works. The thought process before I even start, the execution of it all, the ugly stage…I’m currently in a phase where I’m learning a lot, and I often bang my head against a brick wall.But I’m fine with that. I’ve made peace with the idea that this is all part of my individual journey.”

Souhaila Maalem

“I consider myself a multidisciplinary artist. I’ve studied graphic design at Kask but I’ve always had a passion for everything that had to with visual art - from writing, illustrating, photography to cinematography,…
Through my art I want to make people more aware, but most importantly, I want to break taboos and try to understand more souls. I want to show people that love is everywhere, it only depends on how you decide to look at it. It’s all in the smaller things, that make the bigger things more alive.”

Yasmina Bourakadi


“I am always trying to create things and discover multiple ways of expressing myself through art. Currently I’m making paintings, graphic designs, drawings, photographs and little collages. I hope to keep expanding my interests and learn new things. Sometimes I like to put a message into my work other days I simply create to relax.”

Morgan Steyaert


“I believe that I see the world through a lens of patterns and designs. Being introduced to colours and infinite compositions at a young age, has shaped the way I look at the world. On my road to self-discovery, getting close to my roots has been a never-ending journey. Creating jewelry offered me a chance to combine aesthetic enjoyment and self expression.”

Ismahen Gazdallah


“My aim is to draw the spectator into the ways in which I experience the
world around me. It is an experience of fleeting image, of connecting cultures and fascinating individuals. I am always searching for what its unique colour and light offers, not as a loss of form but as a precise and centred sense of what is solid. The world for me is a colourful entity where all my senses gets triggered in multiple ways.”

Tatjana Henderieckx


“Why are we always supposed to look a certain way? And why do we always classify people? As a Palestinian, born in Germany, living in Belgium and travelling the world, I've always asked myself these questions. This together with my passion for fashion and art made me create MENTAL BREAKDOWN.
MENTAL BREAKDOWN stands for you and me, the one who is struggling to identify herself within this individualistic and categorizing society. It's not only a brand, it's a lifestyle and philosophy. It wants to reveal the truth, your inner self.
My inspiration? The unknown.”




Photography by Latifa Saber

Creative Direction by Hafsa Elazzaoui, Assia Loutfi & Latifa Saber

Make-up Artist: Wassima Kobo


"Women of Ourselves"