You’re a jewelry design student, when did your interest for this discipline manifest itself for the first time?

It was a very new world for me when I started this study. Back then, I just wanted to step out of my comfortzone to start something new. I must say that it felt like I didn’t understand anything about this craft at all and was just making what I was supposed to make. It was quite hard to find myself back but I did not give up and tried to bring out the best of me. I think that my passion started to grow more in the last two years at the academy.

We’ve seen some of the jewelry that you’ve designed. How do you get inspired and do you try to convey a message with the work you put out into the world?

My source of inspiration is based on my personal experiences, my cultural background and my feelings towards the environment (as it is with most creatives).

In order to get inspired, I’d need the time to be alone, to have a conversation with myself and to analyze what is going on around me. These moments are important for me to realize things in my life. When I start to understand things, I will know how to express my thoughts.

We live in a world where people don’t like to listen enough, I’d like to put my message in the works I make. It’s another way to get close to each other.

Which one of the phases of jewelry-making do you enjoy the most during the process? Why is that?

The process of making. Playing with the material and seeing what happens.

We live in a world where people don’t like to listen enough, I like to put my message in the works I make. It’s another way to get close to each other.

What is something that is a big part of your craft, that most people don’t really know about when they think about jewelry design?

What people usually don’t think about is that you can never get a manicure and that your nail polish will get ruined in no time. You really need those unsightly hands to do good work.

What does jewelry and the act of wearing it mean to you?

It may sound ironic, but I don’t often wear jewelry. When I choose to wear a specific piece of jewelry, it means that I feel connected to the piece and I need that kind of connection. It can be anything; bringing back memories, bringing me to a good mood, something unique… especially when it catches me at first sight.

I like it when a piece of jewelry becomes connected to the owner in a very personal way. So it’s not just simple decoration on your body.


